Posted August 08, 2024 in Buttock Augmentation

Before you commit to your buttock augmentation, it’s important to understand the process and ask any questions you may have to ease nerves and better prepare yourself. This blog discusses the top six questions to ask your surgeon during a butt augmentation consultation.
Preparing for Buttock Augmentation
For those who want to enhance the shape and size of their buttocks, planning a butt augmentation procedure can be an exciting time. Many prospective patients look forward to getting their desired rounded, more-defined curves. However, it can be difficult to decipher where to start regarding the planning and preparation process.
The pre-surgery consultation appointment allows you to discuss your aesthetic goals with your surgeon and ask any questions you may have to better prepare for your procedure.
Top Questions to Ask During Your Consultation
Your consultation is a safe space to get familiar with your surgeon’s techniques and the butt augmentation procedure as a whole. Below, we’ve listed six questions to ask during your consultation to help guide you through the process.
1. What Experience Do You Have Performing Butt Augmentation?
It’s important to choose a surgeon with substantial buttock augmentation expertise to ensure that you’re in safe and capable hands. Keep in mind that your surgeon will be in charge of providing you with results that match your aesthetic vision, so it’s essential that you choose wisely.
2. How Do You Perform Butt Augmentation Procedures?
Understanding the buttock augmentation procedure will help you be better prepared for your surgery and recovery. Discussing the procedure steps with your surgeon can also help ease potential nerves.
3. Which Buttock Enhancement Am I a Candidate for?
Each surgeon will have their own techniques and methods for buttock enhancement. Dr. Robert Rey performs buttock augmentation with implants and with fat transfer (also known as a BBL). Silicone implants are often used for patients who want a dramatic, round shape and those who may not have enough excess fat for fat transfer. Other patients may choose a BBL for a more natural look and feel and to balance their body proportions. You can learn more about the pros and cons of each technique by reading our blog.
During your consultation, your medical history will be reviewed, and your body will be assessed so your surgeon can determine which techniques you are a candidate for. Some patients may be candidates for one or both techniques. Be sure to also let your surgeon know if you prefer one technique over the other.
4. What Assistance Do You Provide During Recovery?
Recovery is a crucial part of most surgical procedures. Ask your surgeon what you can expect for your butt augmentation recovery regarding follow-up appointments, incision care, and restrictions for physical activities.
5. How Much Does Butt Augmentation Cost & What Are My Financing Options?
Cost can often be one of the most influential factors in whether or not a patient gets a cosmetic procedure. Ask your surgeon what factors influence your butt augmentation cost and what financing options are available to help you plan your payments.
6. Can I See Butt Augmentation Before and After Pictures From Previous Patients?
Before-and-after photos are an excellent way to assess a surgeon’s skills and the results they can deliver. While many surgeons have before-and-after photo galleries on their websites, they can often show patients more photos during the consultation.
Schedule Your Butt Augmentation Consultation in Beverly Hills, CA
To learn more about butt augmentation in Beverly Hills, CA, or to schedule your consultation, call us at (310) 205-3107 or fill out our online contact form.