Liposuction in Beverly Hills
Fat can accumulate almost anywhere on the body. Surplus fat that is stored in undesirable areas may prevent you from having the lean, toned figure that you desire. Exercise and dieting are excellent, healthy lifestyle choices that can help you draw nearer to your aesthetic goals, but they are not always effective in reducing localized fat pockets. Liposuction can safely and efficiently help you achieve the body contours you envision by permanently eliminating unwanted body fat.

Benefits of Liposuction
Your Liposuction Experience
Candidates should be in good health with no major health issues. They should also have realistic expectations and be psychologically and emotionally stable. Qualified candidates are already at or near their desired healthy body weight but have areas of persistent fat that resist diet and exercise. Finally, candidates must be willing to quit smoking for several weeks before and after the liposuction procedure.
Your personal consultation with Dr. Rey is where you can share your goals and desires for liposuction. Dr. Rey will assess your goals and body shape to determine if you are a good candidate for liposuction or if another treatment would be better for you. Dr. Rey will discuss with you details about the procedure, potential side effects and complications, and potential outcomes so that you will know what to expect. Also during your consultation, the areas of treatment will be selected and a treatment plan will be created.
- Chin
- Neck
- Arms
- Breasts
- Back
- Abdomen
- Flanks
- Thighs
- Knees
- Ankles
Liposuction is an outpatient procedure performed with the patient under general anesthesia. Dr. Rey will discreetly place small incisions in the target areas. He will then insert a microcannula through the incisions. Gentle vacuum suctioning will extract the fat from the body through the microcannula. The length of the procedure will depend on the number of areas needing fat removal. In most cases, the procedure will last between one and three hours.
Immediately following the procedure, some redness, bruising, and swelling may occur in the treated area. Patients should wear their specialty compression garment as instructed to minimize swelling, facilitate healing, and improve skin contraction. Most patients can return to work after one week. Physical activities should be limited for up to four weeks to prevent complications. Major swelling will subside by six weeks after the procedure.
The minor incisions used for liposuction will leave minimal scarring. These incisions are discreetly placed so that any scarring is inconspicuous. The amount of scarring after liposuction largely depends on your body’s natural healing process. Any scarring will be minimal and is likely to fade over time.
The cost of liposuction can vary widely from patient to patient and is significantly affected by the number of areas needing treatment and the extent of treatment needed. Other influencing factors include surgical fees, anesthesia fees, and the physician’s fees.
Stubborn fat may accumulate due to genetics, pregnancy, aging, or weight fluctuations. While the best way to avoid it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, for some individuals, it is unavoidable. Liposuction can help you achieve a more desirable body shape by removing persistent fat pockets from your body.
The “best option” for fat removal will depend on your specific circumstances. For example, if you would like to remove excess fat from your abdomen with liposuction but you also have sagging abdominal skin and/or separated abdominal muscles, it may be better for you to undergo a tummy tuck combined with liposuction to achieve the best aesthetic results. Dr. Rey will evaluate your condition and recommend the best treatment for you during your consultation.
It is important to understand that liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure. If you need surgical help losing weight, you would be better off discussing your options with your primary care physician and a bariatric surgeon. Liposuction will not help you lose weight, but it will improve your body contour by removing excess fat from trouble areas. As a result of the procedure, you may look as though you have lost weight even though the amount of fat you have lost will amount to only a few pounds or less.
Liposuction does not improve skin sagging. If you have noticeable sagging skin, Dr. Rey can recommend the appropriate procedure(s) for you.
Liposuction is frequently combined with tummy tuck surgery and other body contouring procedures to help patients achieve a more attractive body shape.
Liposuction will remove excess fat to best highlight your natural physique. By helping you achieve improved definition and tone with your natural figure, liposuction enables you to look and feel your best. Regular exercise and a healthy meal plan will help you maintain the best long-term results.

Dr. Rey,
I don’t even know where to start in thanking you! First thank you for being a gifted and wonderfully compassionate doctor. Your approach to helping me decide size was scientific and mathetmatical – very impressive. My results speak for themselves – my breasts are perfect. More beautiful than I could have ever hoped for. You do not have the gated “doctor’s ego”. You listened to all my concerns and made me feel like a person, not just another procedure. Thank, Thank, Thank you!!! As a man you have a wonderful sense of self and your family – all of these things make you not only a fabulous surgeon, but also a wonderful man. Thank you for everything!
Dear Robert,
When will I ever be able to make up to you the beautiful job that you did with my breasts??! Your gifted spirit allows you to bring out the beauty in everyone, no matter how much or little they have already in their favor. I feel so lucky to have been touched by your hands- I have been so fortunate that my heart has been touched by yours and will cherish this forever.
Dear Dr. Rey & Norma,
This note is just a little “thank you” for the amazingly informative and congenial visit I had with you last week. I was very impressed with the amount of time that Dr. Rey spent with me discussing every aspect of care and precaution involved with such a procedure as augmentation.
Before & After

*Actual Patient